Browsing HiØ Brage by Author "Borgersen, Trond Arne"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Commercial Real Estate at the ZLB: Investment Demand and CAPM-WACC Invariance
Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen; Borgersen, Trond Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper analyzes the implications of a low interest rate environment (the zero lower bound – ZLB) for the demand for commercial real estate. Investment demand is conventionally assessed by return and risk adjusted return, ... -
Direct and Indirect Effects of Housing Market Policies using an Augmented DiPasquale-Wheaton framework
Borgersen, Trond Arne; Emblem, Anne Wenche (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper analyses a set of housing market policies in an augmented DiPasquale-Wheaton (ADPW) model where the price-rent (PR) ratio ensures housing market equilibrium across different types of tenure. The aim of the paper ... -
Finansielle akseleratorer i boligmarkedet: En kortsiktstilnærming med utgangspunkt i belåningsgrad og belåningsgevinst
Borgersen, Trond Arne; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (Working paper, 2012-03-06)Denne artikkelen ser nærmere på sammenhengen mellom belåningsgraden (Loan-to-value (LTV)) og belåningsgevinsten i husholdningenes boliginvesteringer. Siden 1992 har prisutviklingen i det norske boligmarkedet gitt betydelige ... -
Finansielle akseleratorer i boligmarkedet: En kortsiktstilnærming med utgangspunkt i belåningsgrad og belåningsgevinst
Borgersen, Trond Arne; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (Working paper, 2012-03-06)Denne artikkelen ser nærmere på sammenhengen mellom belåningsgraden (Loan-to-value (LTV)) og belåningsgevinsten i husholdningenes boliginvesteringer. Siden 1992 har prisutviklingen i det norske boligmarkedet gitt betydelige ... -
A housing market with Cournot competition and a third housing sector
Borgersen, Trond Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper integrates a non-profit third-housing sector (THS) into a housing market with Cournot competition. The paper analyses the indirect effects of a THS on the aggregate housing market, on a commercial housing supplier ... -
Kredittilbudseffekter i boligetterspørselen
Borgersen, Trond Arne; Robertsen, Karl (Arbeidsrapport (Høgskolen i Østfold), Working paper, 2007-11-06)Samtidig med de siste årenes sterke vekst i boligprisene har både banker og husholdninger økt sin boligmarkedseksponering. For husholdninger er boligkjøp både motivert i et behov for boligkonsum og bruken av bolig som ... -
Kredittilbudseffekter i boligetterspørselen
Borgersen, Trond Arne; Robertsen, Karl (Arbeidsrapport (Høgskolen i Østfold), Working paper, 2007-11-06)Samtidig med de siste årenes sterke vekst i boligprisene har både banker og husholdninger økt sin boligmarkedseksponering. For husholdninger er boligkjøp både motivert i et behov for boligkonsum og bruken av bolig som ... -
Lending gains and funding risk in Baltic housing markets
Borgersen, Trond Arne; King, Roswitha M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper analyzes lending gains and funding risk in the Baltic housing markets. Transition economies are exposed to both cycles and structural shifts, relating housing market fundamentals to a more diversified set of ... -
Management of Exchange Rate Risk In SMEs: Reflections On Exchange Rate Pass-through and Hedging of Currency Risk
Badshah, Imtiaz; Borgersen, Trond Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Exchange rate fluctuations represent a challenge for the internationalization of all firms, both big and small. This paper reflects on two aspects of the exchange rate challenge - (i) the exchange rate pass-through and ... -
Mortgage Supply, LTV and Risk Pricing
Borgersen, Trond Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-26)This paper focuses on mortgage supply and its contribution to the loan-to-value (LTV)-ratio. The paper starts by finding the optimal LTV-ratio for a profit-maximising mortgagee that supply mortgages using housing as ... -
Reflections on Credit Market Incentives in a Small Open Economy with a Dominant Market Player: The Case of Norwegian Banking
Borgersen, Trond Arne; Rynning, Marjo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper reflects on the banking market in Norway, a small open economy with a market player that is “too big- and too public to fail” (TBTPF). Discussing competition, risk and regulation, this paper reflects on market ... -
Risikojustert meravkastning i boligmarkedet
Borgersen, Trond Arne; Kivedal, Bjørnar Karlsen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I hele landet har boligprisene steget betydelig siden tidlig på 90-tallet. Til tross for sterk boligprisvekst, vokser prisene i ulike segmenter forskjellig. Det er også geografiske variasjoner i prisveksten. Denne artikkelen ... -
Social Housing Policy in a Segmented Housing Market: Indirect Effects on Markets and Individuals
Borgersen, Trond Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-20)This paper analyses indirect effects of social housing policy (SHP) in a segmented housing market. A two segment-housing ladder, where equity determines up trading, shows how SHP-measures targeting either housing supply ... -
The optimal LTV-ratio, mortgage market variability and monetary policy regimes: A demand side perspective
Borgersen, Trond Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The purpose of this paper is twofold: First, it derives the optimal LTV-ratio for a mortgagor that maximizes the return to home equity when considering the capital structure of housing investment. Second, it analyses the ...