Browsing HiØ Brage by Author "Helgesen, Marit Kristine"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Addressing the social determinants of health in the Nordic countries: wicked or tame problem?
Fosse, Elisabeth; Helgesen, Marit Kristine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Dette prosjektet studerte hvilken nasjonal politikk de nordiske land utvikler for å påvirke helsens determinanter. Fokus på helsens determinanter krever bevissthet om strukturelle betingelser for god helse. Prosjektet hadde ... -
Bedre tverrfaglig innsats - styrket tverrsektorielt samarbeid for utsatte barn og unge?
Helgesen, Marit Kristine (Chapter, 2019) -
Collective Competence as an Enabler for Service Integration in Health and Social Care Services
Løken, Therese Dwyer; Helgesen, Marit Kristine; Bjørkquist, Catharina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose: Fragmentation in health and social care services can result in poor access to services, lack of continuity and inadequate provision for needs. A focus on integration of services are thus suggested to prevent ... -
COVID-19 PANDEMIEN – STATSFORVALTERENS ROLLE En gjennomgang av hvordan statsforvalterne i Norge håndterte innføring av omfattende nasjonale smitteverntiltak som følge av covid-19 pandemien våren 2020.
Ese, Jo; Bjørkquist, Catharina; Fineide, Mona Jerndahl; Hansen, Gunnar Vold; Helgesen, Marit Kristine; Ramsdal, Helge (Oppdragsrapport (Høgskolen i Østfold);2021:2;, Report, 2021)Covid-19 pandemien har satt den norske forvaltningen under et press som man aldri før har sett i fredstid. Det har skapt et behov for en samlet offentlig innsats som igjen har krevd et omfattende samarbeid mellom offentlige ... -
Do Shared Digital Workspaces Boost Integration? The Case of One Early Intervention Initiative for Vulnerable Children in Norway
Helgesen, Marit Kristine; Ramsdal, Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction: The paper discusses the implementation of a digital workspace to facilitate collaboration in health and social services for vulnerable children and adolescents in eight Norwegian municipalities. The purpose ... -
Levelling the social gradient in health at the local level: applying the Gradient Equity Lens to Norwegian local public health policy
Fosse, Elisabeth; Sherriff, Nigel; Helgesen, Marit Kristine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Levelling the social gradient in health at the local level: applying the Gradient Equity Lens to Norwegian local public health policy
Fosse, Elisabeth; Sherriff, Nigel; Helgesen, Marit Kristine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Policies to Reduce Child Poverty in Norway: Can Municipalities Ensure Positive Functionings for Children through Housing Policies?
Helgesen, Marit Kristine; Arvesen, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Child poverty is an increasing challenge for Norwegian society and its municipalities. Policies to reduce it include housing as one particularly important health determinant. The capability approach allows us to focus on ...