Browsing HiØ Brage by Author "Kaufmann, Odd Tore"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
A Literature Review Exploring the use of Programming in Mathematics Education
Forsström, Sanna Erika; Kaufmann, Odd Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12)Programming is now included in mathematics curricula in several countries; thus, the purpose of this literature review is to determine the research-based justifications for these educational decisions. From a selection of ... -
Analysing tensions faced by pre-service mathematics teachers engaging in digital fabrication.
Stigberg, Henrik; Hadjerrouit, Said; Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Marentakis, Georgios (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article analyses tensions pre-service teachers faced during the last workshop of participation in a series of professional development workshops on digital fabrication for creating manipulatives for mathematics ... -
Construction of teachers’ roles in collegial discussions
Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Ryve, Andreas (Chapter, 2019)This paper investigates how teachers portray their teaching role in a professional-development community. By analyzing data from five groups, the goal of the study is to understand how teachers portrayed within these ... -
The professional identities of prospective mathematics teachers who teach through programming
Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Maugesten, Marianne; Meaney, Tamsin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)As has been the case in many countries around the world, the new Norwegian curriculum from 2020 included programming as part of mathematics education. However, little is known about how prospective teachers perceive this ... -
Students´ reasoning on multiplication in primary school classroom context
Kaufmann, Odd Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-24)This article investigates how students in third grade discuss and reason on multiplication when they first encounter that concept in the classroom context. By analysing the data from 24 classrooms focused on teaching and ... -
Teachers' attention to student thinking, mathematical content and teachers' role in a professional learning community
Kaufmann, Odd Tore (Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning;12, Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2018)The past decade has witnessed increased efforts in studying what mathematics teachers do to improve their teaching. This study builds on and contributes to the research on collective learning in professional learning ... -
Teachers' critical reflections on digital fabrication for making manipulatives to support mathematical thinking
Stigberg, Henrik; Stigberg, Susanne Koch; Maugesten, Marianne; Kaufmann, Odd Tore (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)Digital fabrication (DF) is the process of translating a digital design developed on a computer into a physical object. While digital fabrication has been widespread in STEM education and design thinking, we see an opportunity ... -
Teachers’ Error-handling Practices Within and Across Lesson Phases in the Mathematics Classroom
Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Larsson, Maria; Ryve, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Multiple studies have been conducted regarding teachers’ error-handling practices, and how errors can be treated as opportunities for learning, albeit in the context of whole-class discussions. The aim of the present ... -
Teachers’ framing of students’ difficulties in mathematics learning in collegial discussions
Kaufmann, Odd Tore; Ryve, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study investigates the diagnostic and prognostic framings of Swedish mathematics teachers regarding the difficulties experienced by students in mathematics learning. Collegial discussions among 65 mathematics teachers ... -
The problem of distinguishing multiplicative from additive reasoning in primary school classroom context.
Kaufmann, Odd Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article investigates how students in third grade learn to reason on multiplication when they first encounter that concept in the classroom context. By analysing the data from 24 classrooms focused on teaching and ... -
These tasks are very good but inappropriate for my students
Kaufmann, Odd Tore (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This paper investigates how teachers reflect on and explain the role of high-quality mathematical tasks when selecting tasks for use in lessons. By analysing data from three groups of mathematics teachers engaged in collegial ...