Browsing HiØ Brage by Author "Gjesdal, Anje Müller"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Avenir et climat : représentations de l’avenir dans des blogs francophones portant sur le changement climatique
Fløttum, Kjersti; Gjerstad, Øyvind; Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Cet article explore la manière dont l’avenir est perçu dans des blogs portant sur les changements climatiques, extraits du corpus NTAP (Networks of Text and People). L’analyse, principalement entreprise dans une perspective ... -
Changing concepts of greenhouse gas expressions: Discursive specialization in parliamentary discourses on climate change
Gjesdal, Anje Müller; Andersen, Gisle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Global environmental change has provoked changes in how humans experience and perceive their relationship to nature. Such conceptual changes can be observed through language use, and specifically lexical change. This paper ... -
Controverses du changement climatique : la représentation des paroles d’autrui dans les pages de discussion sur Wikipédia francophone et norvégien
Poudat, Céline; Gjesdal, Anje Müller; Gjerstad, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia through the lens of two aspects that have particularly interested Kjersti Fløttum throughout her work: (i) the climate crisis, which will be examined through ... -
For hvem ønsker vel å leve i huler? En utforskning av begrepet «bærekraftig utvikling» i norske stortingsdebatter (1998–2019).
Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Chapter, 2021)«Bærekraftig utvikling» er ett av tre tverrfaglige tema i den nye læreplanen, og det er økende interesse for bærekraftpedagogikk både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. «Bærekraftig utvikling» må forstås i et samfunnsmessig ... -
Fra “fransk feminisme” til norsk kjønnsforskning. En eksplorativ studie av tekst og terminologi i Pax forlags franske sakprosautgivelser (1990-2000)
Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04-17)Sammendrag På 1990-tallet var Norge preget av en sterk vekst i studentkullene, og en styrking av humanioras stilling. Dette førte til et godt marked for oversatte sakprosautgivelser, og en gyllen alder for Pax Forlag. ... -
Heteroglossic Masculinities: Multilingualism in Armée du salut and Princesa
Skalle, Camilla Erichsen; Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-01) -
Intercultural Competence in the Foreign Language Classroom. Pedagogical Applications of Literary Texts on Migration and Exile
Eide, Liv; Skalle, Camilla; Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The development of intercultural competence is a crucial part of foreign language (FL) education, yet it remains under-explored in teaching materials and teacher education. Transnational perspectives on FL teaching, and ... -
Natur og menneske i et språklig klimaperspektiv
Fløttum, Kjersti; Gjerstad, Øyvind; Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Med utgangspunkt i et klimaperspektiv undersøker vi i denne artikkelen hvordan nordmenn uttrykker sine meninger om og sitt forhold til den fysiske naturen. Med et materiale i hovedsak hentet fra representative spørreundersøkelser, ... -
People’s Conceptions and Valuations of Nature in the Context of Climate Change
Andersen, Gisle; Fløttum, Kjersti; Carbou, Guillaume; Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper investigates how people conceive and evaluate nature through language, in a climate change context. With material consisting of 1,200 answers to open-ended questions in nationally representative surveys in Norway, ... -
Travelling Narratives and Images in Times of Migration : Introduction
Åsebø, Sigrun; Gjesdal, Anje Müller; Skalle, Camilla Erichsen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Migrant narratives and aesthetic practices influenced by experiences of exile and migration constitute a growing field in contemporary art and literature. Current trends in migration and globalisation have led to an increase ... -
Travelling Toponymy. The contribution of place names to the textual representation of place and memory in Abdellah Taïa’s Une mélancolie Arabe
Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Narratives of exile and migration pose important questions related to the role of language in the representation of space, both that of home and away as well as sites of transit. This article argues that the textualisation ... -
We found love in a hopeless place: Exilic agency and translingual practice in Jonas Carpignano’s Mediterranea
Gjesdal, Anje Müller (Chapter, 2021)Jonas Carpignano’s film Mediterranea is a complex and nuanced portrait of contemporary transnational migration, with a focus on exilic agency. Translingual practice is an essential part of the biographical narration of the ...