• Collective knowledge advancement as a pedagogical practice in teacher education. An explorative case study of student group work with wiki assignments in the interplay between an offline and a global online setting 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Education, University of Oslo;276, Doctoral thesis, 2017-12)
      ENGELSK: The aim of this dissertation was to describe and analyze collective knowledge advancement (CKA) as a pedagogical practice in teacher education. The background is that Internet permits new types of authentic ...
    • COVID-19 as a Wicked Problem 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 13 describe COVID-19 as a wicked problem and show how different CI-mechanisms have been used to cope with the pandemic. The first CI-mechanism is the transparent information flows during the pandemic. Knowledge is ...
    • Creative Problem Solving in Online Innovation Contests: What Motivates Top Solvers to Participate in the New Collaborative Economy? 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-07)
      Online innovation contests represent one of the most interesting new ways of utilizing creative skills in the new collaborative economy, but we still know very little about what motivates the problem solvers. Previous ...
    • Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Collective Intelligence 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Current Perspectives in Social and Behavioral Sciences;, Book; Peer reviewed, 2022-01)
      In the era of digital communication, collective problem solving is increasingly important. Large groups can now resolve issues together in completely different ways, which has transformed the arts, sciences, business, ...
    • Den digitale lærergjerningen 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2009)
      I skole-Norge har IKT vært et ”hett” tema det siste tiåret. Diskusjonen har blant annet dreid seg om IKT har en positiv eller negativ læringseffekt. De siste par årene har man imidlertid innsett at det er umulig å besvare ...
    • Digitale fortellinger i skolen 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Book, 2019-09-01)
      I den første delen av boken som heter “Digitale fortellinger” blir digitale fortellinger som sjanger plassert inn i en historisk og samfunnsmessig kontekst. I de øvrige kapitlene i denne delen blir den pedagogiske bruken ...
    • Digitale fortellinger i skolen (Versjon april 2012) 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Book, 2012-04)
      Dette er først og fremst en bok spekket med praktiske tips om hvordan man kan jobbe med digitale fortellinger i undervisningen. I tillegg har jeg ønsket å plassere digitale fortellinger som sjanger inn i en historisk og ...
    • Human Stigmergic Problem Solving 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 6 presents human stigmergic problem solving as a distinct “solution-centered” subtype of CI with biological antecedents in the trail laying and nest building of ants. Stigmergy describe how many individuals agents ...
    • Iboende pedagogikk eller "black box"? : en pedagogisk analyse av 3 læringsplattformer med utgangspunkt i deres tekniske arkitektur 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K.; Tolsby, Håkon; Røising, Hanne Schou (Rapport (Høgskolen i Østfold), Research report, 2007-05)
      Learning platforms are widespread in Norwegian higher education. Nevertheless, there is considerable uncertainty regarding how to fully take advantage of a platform. Most evaluations have focused on common features of ...
    • IKT - mirakelkur eller tynn suppe? en kritisk analyse av sentrale teknologibegreper innenfor skolefeltet 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Rapport (Høgskolen i Østfold), Research report, 2007-08)
      Intensjonen med rapporten er å gi en oversikt over tenkningen bak begreper som blir brukt i det skolerelaterte IKT-feltet. I kapittel 1 spør jeg om man egentlig kan måle en læringseffekt av IKT. I dette første kapittelet ...
    • Intelligent Contributions 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 11 address how contributions are combined in different ways when designing CI. One approach utilize many different perspectives on the same work, like in collective work on the same Wikipedia article. Multidisciplinary ...
    • Intelligent Engagement 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 10 analyzes the relationship between citizen participation and citizen expertise, particularly in the political domain. New types of intelligent citizen engagement are emerging like mass deliberation, mass voting, ...
    • Intelligent Evaluations 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 11 address how contributions are combined in different ways when designing CI. One approach utilize many different perspectives on the same work, like in collective work on the same Wikipedia article. Multidisciplinary ...
    • The Intelligent Society 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 15 concludes by describe two radically different future visions of the intelligent society. On one hand, instrumentarian intelligence assumes that algorithms tracking human behavior can predict human behavior more ...
    • Læring i skolenettverk. Mininettverk som utviklingsstrategi 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K.; Eliassen, Erik (Chapter, 2011)
    • Læringsstrategier og bruk av digitale verktøy 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2006)
      Repetisjonsstrategier med bruk av digitale verktøy viser til evnen til å bruke programvare som støtte for tilegnelse av enkle ferdigheter eller faktapreget lærestoff. Navigeringsstrategier med bruk av digitale verktøy viser ...
    • Modeller på villspor? Kan Cubans modelltenkning gi oss en bedre forståelse av implementeringstenkningen i norsk IKT-orientert skolesatsning? 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Rapport (Høgskolen i Østfold), Research report, 2007-12-12)
      Målet med denne rapporten er å kunne si noe om hvilken implementeringstenkning som har forklaringskraft i forhold til IKT-satsningen rettet mot skolen som praksisfelt. I første del av rapporten vurderer jeg om modelltenkningen ...
    • Motivation to Contribute 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 14 explores what motivates individuals to contribute to CI projects. If we think CI can benefit society, we need to understand what motivates individuals to engage in collective problems solving. However, both the ...
    • The Origins of Collaborative Problem Solving 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 9 argues that the origins of collaborative problem solving can be traced back to mutual collaboration, which built on the evolution of more advanced forms of gestural communication. Elaborative collaborative ...
    • The Origins of Human Stigmergic Problem Solving 

      Baltzersen, Rolf K. (Chapter, 2022)
      Chapter 7 traces the origin of human stigmergic problem-solving back to the invention of writing. Knowledge could now be stored, reused and made accessible to others. A human collective memory was established which also ...